Tuesday, July 13, 2010

First Posting out of nothing

Hi ALL, this blog is is started to hunt for happie hours spots all round...it actually started as a joke between me and my beloved colleague....

Hahaha...joke and joke...this is the outcome at our attempt to make this place a FUN one!  ^^

Those working in the city especially, will awaits for the mid-week happie hours session regardless what job titles you are carrying (at least to those people who can drink legally)!

The dreaded Monday can actually pass by quite nicely with the anticipation of the WED outings...it makes the week more bearable as well..when the mid week arrives, FRI is just around the corner for more outings and catching up with friends as well as just to simply CHILL...

Since this is my first posting, and even though it's a TUES nite at home, I am still gonna make something out of nothing to celebrate the coming of MID-WEEK...

And here I present to you ALL, my concoction of home-mixed KAHLUA MILK~

Pardon me and my loussy camera...the color is absolutely awful I know! But who cares! At least it taste YUMMY-LICIOUS~

A toast to ALL who dig HAPPIE HOURS drinking session~

P/S: Would like to put up SOJU (Korean liquor) with lemon sorta cocktail, BUT unfortunately dun have lemons in the fridge at the time of posting this  ^^  Next time ba~

Obnoxiously Yours Truly

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