Friday, July 16, 2010

Royal Oak Kilkenny @ Solaris Mont Kiara

Lately something is wrong with the weather....raining at almost the same time every single day without fail...Today is Wednesday - supposedly a HH day with my partner in crime, but due to her appointment, were left alone.

It's been a rainy Wednesday... traffic seems to be jam stuck everywhere in Mont Kiara area, wonder how will it even be after making it out on the way to head home? Hmm...

After dropping my colleague at Cold Storage, Solaris Mont Kiara since I am heading that way to collect some stuffs from my friend as well, I was thinking on heading home in this lousy weather....

Turning out, heading towards the exit way from Solaris Mont Kiara here, I glanced at the banner with KILKENNY logo on's the same place as the one last visited by us the other time.

My instinct kicks in at that moment, and I asked myself - why not stop for a drink or two before heading home? Since there's nothing else planned for the day and I am pretty used to having HH alone...

Hmm...brain got into a kicking thinking frenzy....and I guess at that exact moment, mother luck is shining on ME! Wohooo....there...Right in front of the Royal Oak Pub, there's an empty parking lot waiting for if nobody else can see it!

No second thoughts on this then! Wohoo!! Here I come Kilkenny...parked and enjoy my HH alone, the feeling is so good, the drinks warming down my stomach! =P

Their HH promotion which runs on ALL night long, Cheap kilkenny 3 pints for RM50~!

After finishing the 3rd pint, phone rang...hahaha...seems like it's time to head home.....ciaoz...!

No. 3, Jalan Solaris 2,
Solaris Mon’t Kiara, Kuala Lumpur


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